The Created for His Glory Series

Created for His Glory small cover

Destined to become a classic on the topic of the believer’s riches in Christ Jesus, Created for His Glory is Jim Berg’s second work on discipleship. It’s a dynamic tool for pastors, Christian educators, parents, or any other Christian dedicated to the ministry of discipleship and personally in search of greater spiritual fitness. Dr. Berg takes an enthusiastic look at the fullness of joy and the victorious life available to every Christian who comes to a clearer understanding of God's purpose in redemption. He also takes a probing look at pitfalls and misconceptions that commonly weaken believers. Length: 352 pages

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In this interactive study guide, the companion to Created for His Glory, Dr. Berg maps out a spiritual "coaching manual" for small or large group study, Sunday school, or personal Bible study. Taking Time to Rejoice builds on the foundation first introduced to them in Jim Berg’s premier book on Christian discipleship, Changed Into His Image. Based on teachings in Ephesians, Taking Time to Rejoice contains daily lessons with reading and memory work assignments, fill-in-the-blanks, and application segments to encourage growth. Length: 198 pages